Conversations about MEasuring Talents, Achievements and Goals in Life and Leadership What are you doing today to achieve all of your goals? If you are like many of us you have goals, maybe, sort of, ok not so much but if we give you a few minutes you can figure something out. However, Talents, Achievements […]
Mouth Words
a thing intended; an aim or plan Oddly, this word keeps smacking me in the face this morning. Intention, in•ten•tion – A thing intended; an aim or plan. Well, what is intend? Intend – have (a course of action) as one’s purpose or objective; plan. BAM, right smack dab in the middle of my thoughts. […]
Chasing Energy
Hunt The Things That Feed You This morning I was scrolling through Instagram reels and came across a podcast series by Rod Drydek. He was speaking my language. Keep in mind, I have now only listened to two of his podcasts, but I am all in. The audio of the Instagram Reel was Chasing Energy […]